
Internet as a Teaching Tool?

Welcome! Did you know that the Internet is one of the best tools for teaching a language in a Language Learning classroom? With the discovery of new techology and the advancements of every year, the Internet has become a great tool for language learning. The following outline will help students and teachers know how to use the Internet in the classroom and how you can develop all skills with it. Read it through and analyze all the important points about this topic. Follow the outline! Click HERE to download it and use it as you wish!

Learn something new about learning English as a teaching tool through websites

Check this out! Take a look at  of this Power Point presentation about how the  use of the Internet  can be very useful in the laguage classsroom. Do you want to use this presentation? Click "HERE" . Use it if you need it!

Did you learn something? Prove yourself

Remember that questionnaires are quick way to get results and test what you have learned in a certain topic. The following questionnaire has questions related to the Internet presentation you earlier saw, check it out and try to see what you have learned! Download our questionnaire to show us what you have learned! Download the Questionnaire  "HERE" Do you want to see how you did? Click  "HERE"  to download the answers.

Do you want more information? Here are some examples of websites for Language Teaching:

These websites are a great way to change things up in your language classroom and make classes more interactive with your students. "Busy Teacher" Website designed to acquire worksheets for a variety of levels that can be used in any classroom with any topic. Level: Beginners (Pre-K to 6th Grade) Website: Click "HERE"  to visit the Busy Teacher website "ESL Video" Video lessons with dialogues and quizzes about the videos presented. Level: Intermediate (Highschool Students) Website: Click "HERE" to visit the ESL Video website "Writing Lab from Purdue University" Great website for University students that need information about research, advanced grammar or vocabulary. Level: Advanced (Adults) Website: Click " HERE " to visit the Writing Lab from Purdue University website

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Comments are a great way to get your voice heard and give opinions on what you think about a certain topic. Now that you have read our blog, we encourage you to give us your comments on the following question: